“But Jesus said, suffer children, and forbid them not,
to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 10:14).
The life and vitality of any church resides within the young people. An energetic vibrant youth and young adult ministry can affect the momentum of the entire church.
Therefore, purpose of GeneratioNext is to train and upbuild youth in living for God; empowering and encouraging them to embrace and apply their gifts and talents towards becoming strong leaders and members in the church, families, and community.
Ultimately, the goal of this ministry is to fulfill the overall mission of Home Assembly Church which is “Reaching Out to Change Lives and Reaching In to
Continue the Change”.
- Alpha.............................................0-5 years
- Children.......................................6-12 years
- Youth.........................................13-18 years
- Young Adults.............................19-35 years
Programs and activities in alignment with our mission will be age appropriate and tailored to the age groups above.
NOTE: Permission Forms will be required from the parent or guardian of individuals under 18 years old for all activities conducted away from the church, as well as at-church activities wherein sensitive information will be discussed or shared.
We welcome your donations to help support this ministries activities and programs.
Please click the image below to submit your gift OR
to pay for an upcoming GeneratioNext event.
Every Sunday from Offering to Dismissal
(except 4th Sunday)
MARCH 2020
Tuesday, March 3
First Tuesdays @ Job Corp
Wednesday, March 18
FIRE Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, March 25
Midweek Worship featuring LIT Speaker
Minister Shondalyn Harris
Sunday, March 22
Sunday Mornin' FIRE
FIRE Choir
Fire-Starter Presentation
Snack Shack
LIT Event: Financial Growth
Saturday, March 28
11AM - 3PM
Outreach @Midnight Mission